

RUKUNGIRI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL HEALTH DEPARTMENTThe Health Department is responsible for overseeing the provision of health services in Rukungiri MunicipalityOur Vision: “A Healthy and Wealthy Urban Population in a secure environment.”Our Mission: “To serve the community through coordinated delivery of health services, focusing on national priorities and significant local needs in order to promote sustainable development of Rukungiri Municipality.” Departmental Objectives:To motivate staff for improved health service deliveryTo facilitate efficiency of skilled and support staff for targeted performance of the Rukungiri MC health office on selected key indicatorsTo facilitate environmental Health, Health Education and Health Promotion Activities.To Establish, maintain and sustain operational equipment/infrastructure for enhanced health service deliveryTo improve health service through sustained delivery of drugs and supplies to lower health facilities.To improve health service delivery through facility maintenance of infrastructure, utility supplies, support for health prevention and promotion, quality leadership, governance for health facilities of Rukungiri Municipal Council.To increase awareness and lobbying capacity of stakeholders at all levelsRukungiri Municipal council has a population of nearly 45000 people during the night but about 150,000 people during the day. It is at the central business district for Rukungiri as a whole.With 113 health workers and 172 Village Health Teams (VHTs), we provide health care services through the health units.Rukungiri Municipal Council supervises 2 health Center IV’s, 2 health centre IIIs, 6 health Center II’s that get direct support from government. Two of these are Prisons and police that do not benefit from Primary Health Care Funds but receive drugs through the National Medical Stores.The highest public health facility is Rukungiri Health Center IV which is at the centre of Rukungiri district.Working with several other partners, we deliver primary health care in the areas of health promotion and education, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative health services. The range of services includes: Maternity and child health services are provided at our Public health Center III’s, HCIV’s, Private Not for Profit public health facilities and Private clinics.Management including treatment and prevention of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, pneumonia e.t.c.With support through District Health Office, Ministry of Health working with the national Medical Store we offer free drugs and medical supplies at all our Public health facilities.Working with the district health office we are able to offer ambulance services in case there are referrals.Like any other urban centre, Rukungiri Municipal Council manages garbage through the divisions. For a long time, Rukungiri Municipal council has maintained its cleanliness. Currently, supported by the Town Clerk’s office we are in the processes of getting an authentic Public-Private Partner in management of garbage.Government recently provided Ug. Shs 670m= funds for construction of the Major Theatre and 400m for construction of the General Maternity block at Rukungiri HC IV.We work with the district to contribute in consistently attaining a high rank in the national league table and rated among the first best 15 districts as 5th in  2014/2015, 2nd in 2015/2016, 15th in 2016/2017 and 4th in 2018/2019. Although we have declined in the recent years, systems and processes are being devised to improve. Our Public, Private-not for-Profit and Private health facilitiesDivision/OwnershipPublicPrivate not for profit facilitiesPrivateDivision/LevelHCII’sHCIIIHCIVHCIIHCIIIHCIVHospitalTASO-NGO’sPrivate clinicPharmaciesSouthern Division1100001011Western Division1100000011Eastern Division1111010112 3311011134  Our unfunded priorities 2024-2025 for a better health system within Rukungiri Municipal Council.Procurement of the double cabin Vehicle for Rukungiri HCIV.Procurement of equipment for Rukungiri HCIV theatre.Procurement of the motor cycle for Rukungiri HCIV, Kitimba HCIII and Rwakabengo Health Center III.Procurement of health education equipment (laptop, projector and Public address systems).Blood Refrigerator for Rukungiri HCIV.Construction of staff houses in Health centres especially for III’s and IV’s.Purchase of Delagua Kit.Supply of water to Health Centres without like Katwekamwe HC II.Infrastructure improvement (Maternity Building, Medical Wards) -Rwakabengo HCIII and OPD block at Rukungiri HC IV.Supply of Electricity to Karangaro HC II and Katwekamwe HC II.Renovation and face lifting of all Public Health Centres.Construction of a post-operative ward and outpatient building at Rukungiri HCIV.Remodelling the Laboratory at Rukungiri HCIV.Fencing of all unfenced Health Centres.Construction of a modern mortuary for Rukungiri Municipal Council.Construction of a staff latrine at Rwakabengo HC III, Marumba HC II, Katwekamwe HC II and Karangaro HC IIAttracting implementing partners for health that will directly work with our health system in Rukungiri Municipal Council Local Government.UGIFT project: Kitimba HC III.  Free government drugs and supplies store at Rukungiri Health centre IV; The Principal Medical Officer and Assistant Inventory management officer during monitoring Quarter III 20223-2024 activities The Municipal Deputy Town Clerk ICT Officer, Municipal Secretary for Finance ,Municipal Planner ,Principal Medical Officer and the In-Charge during Monitoring at Kitimba HCIII-Q3 2023-2024 The school Inspector and Principal Medical officer with the youth of AL saints Church Rukungiri after the HIV/AIDS Prevention talk  His worship the mayor, RDC Rukungiri together with the project implementation team dressed up ready for Major theatre capital project site inspection. The funds were offered by Government as the Infrastructure Improvement Grant. The structure plus renovation of staff house costed at 670m=.Our health educator and Assistant Vector Control Officer on Radio Boona sensitisitising the community on preventive methods against malaria in QII 2023-2024The Principal Medical Officer during supervision of Village Health Team Training emphasised reporting to the nearest health facilities. All division were reached. The activity was carried during Quarter III 2023-2024. The trainer was the Health Assistant Western DivisionDuring our journey to Jinja City, we bye-passed parliament where we met our honourable Woman Member of Parliament. Issues to do with strengthening the health system were discussed. In picture are the Deputy Town Clerk, Senior Assistant Town Clerk Western Division, Health Inspector and Principal MedicalSupported by the RDC, the Senior Assistant Town Clerk western Division, Health Inspector Rukungiri Municipal Council, Health Assistant Eastern Division sensitised the community on Hygiene and Sanitation in Q2 2023-2024A youth living with HIV/AIDS sensitizing on HIV management in January 2023 Progress of works on the Major Theatre Project at Rukungiri Health Centre IV constructed by the UPDF ENGINEERING BRIGADE. Project is expected to be commissioned this 2024RDC, UPDF, His worship the Mayor during the handover of staff houses for renovation in January 2024
